vocals are acceptable, even though they are not something special,
in my opinion. In addition, we also hear a clear voice singing,
sometimes speaking, creating a splendid atmosphere. Have you ever
thought of adding female vocals, or even a choir?
Not really, but we will have more clean-vocals and stuff (all by
A.F.) on our next output.
I have to admit that my favorite track is #5 "Karg", which is
also the name of the demo. True hate mixed with a sad, melancholic
feeling. Nevertheless, melancholy can be found in all songs. May
we call your music sorrowful? Is this the main feeling that you
wanted to emerge from the soul of the listener?
Yes, it is. See, looking at the world makes me sad sometimes…and
this is also expressed by my music. On the other hand I get very
aggressive, and so our music is a mixture of hate and sorrow. You`re
totally right and I see, that you have really dealt with our CD,
and this is one of the few things, which make me really happy!
All the lyrics are written in German. Any special reasons behind
it? In spite of not speaking German I easily understood that they
do not deal with Satan, fallen angels, goat demons and stuff… They
must have a strong pagan meaning and feeling. What are your views
on paganism, ancient ceremonies and Odin? Express your ideas…
The lyrics are in German, so I can express my emotions the way I
feel them, and I don`t have to translate them. Translated emotions
wouldn`t be so strong, you know? I`ve read many, many books about
northern mythology and I found out, that you can find some good
values in it. I don`t praise Odin all day long or go to ancient
ceremonies…it`s rather the idea behind northern mythology, which
fascinates me. It stands for freedom and pride, while the church
stands for oppression and weakness. I believe in a thing, which
mankind cannot understand, call it God, Odin or maybe the spirit
of nature…but I do think, that the Christians don´t understand this
thing at all, while northern mythology helps to see it more clear.
So I see paganism in a very positive way, because it helps mankind
to think and see clear, and doesn`t want you to stop thinking (referring
to the holy inquisition, for example).
Can black metal be humorous? Can a band have funny lyrics, casual
dressing and perform fantastic black art? If so, will the fans will
the black metal fans ever respect and appreciate such a band?
I think they will not. Black Metal is a defined style of music,
like Death Metal is, or Power Metal. Those, who listen to Black
Metal, dislike funny music, they like true music, which expresses
their sorrows and hate. But don`t get me wrong: I would have nothing
against this funny band, as you described it in your question: It
just wouldn`t be called Black Metal, but something else.
Imagine that you attend, let's say, an Immortal show. And the
band as an encore plays a cover of one of your songs!!! Which will
be your reaction? Do you think this will ever happen? How will the
audience react?
I don`t think this will ever happen, although Abbath of Immortal
is an owner of our CD “Karg” (we gave one to him after a show here
in Hamburg). I have to say, that it is not very important for me
to be liked by one of the “big bands”. It means no difference, if
one “normal” fan likes our music or Abbath from Immortal. When they
want to play one of our songs, it`s just fine, but we would never
play a song from another band…we have our own music!!!
Tell me the first band that comes to your mind when you read
or hear the word "extreme" and why?
Deicide. I think you`re surprised of me giving you the name of a
Death Metal band and not a Black Metal act. But I do think that
Black Metal is not as extreme as Death Metal, just referring to
the music. But thinking of the people behind the music, I would
say that many Black Metal bands may be called “extreme”: Burzum,
Darkthrone, etc. They live the music…and this fact is more than
enough to call them extreme!!!
The demo is a self-financed release. What are the advantages
and disadvantages when releasing a demo on your own? Are you looking
for a record deal or you like it this "underground" way? Is artistic
freedom a great priority in signing a contract?
The big disadvantage is, that you have to pay for every shit by
your own. It is very expensive, I can tell you. A helping record
company would be fine, so that we could concentrate more on our
music. So we`re looking for a deal, it would make things easier
(gigs, too). The big advantage is the artistic freedom, there is
no one, who tells you what you have to do…we would never sign a
contract, which restricts our artistic freedom too much!
How does women react when you tell them that you play in a black
metal band? In general, has affected you in a good or bad way, your
participation in "Hagal"?
We fuck like the pigs, so: The women like us, haha. I never had
problems because of my membership in a Black Metal band. Most people
are very interested and to those, who dislike me, because I´m into
Black Metal: A big fuck off!